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I am excited to announce that the second and final book in The Lightbody Mystery Series, The Lightbody Bequest, is now available for pre-order on Kindle (https://mybook.to/lightbodybequestebook). The release date is 11th July 2024. On this date, you can order a copy of the paperback by clicking https://mybook.to/lightbodybequest. Early feedback has been fantastic! To read the first book in the series, The Lightbody Legacy, visit my book page for buying links.

In 2018, I published my first novel, The Girl in the Scrapbook. My second book, Who to Trust, followed in March, 2020 and my third book, The Vanishing Encore, was published in August, 2021. Find these books by scrolling down to the book covers or visit my book page.

I’ve also written a special short story called Memories Forgotten of which I’m very proud – now available to read, completely free of charge. It’s a poignant tale of loss, love and hope, guaranteed to warm your heart. To download it, all you have to do is sign up to my readers’ list via the sign up page. Then you’ll also receive my latest news and get to hear about any special promotions.

I would love to hear from anyone who has read any of my books or my short story so please do get in touch. You can find me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.